Get ready to brush up on your Dragon Ball Z character names--the latest Budokai Tenkaichi is on track to feature more than 90 of them.
By Dan Chiappini,
Recently, we got some hands-on time with the latest offering in the Dragon Ball Z game franchise--Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3--the third in the Budokai Tenkaichi series being published by Namco Bandai for the PlayStation 2.
Our last look at Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was at this year's Leipzig Games Convention, and while that taste focused largely around the playable character selection and controller gesturing for the Wii version of the game, this time around we'll be looking specifically at the gameplay, some of the characters, and what they can do.
Atari Australia also tells us that Tenkaichi 3 will be the last instalment on the PlayStation 2 platform, and as a result rolls all the features of the previous games into "one ultimate DBZ fighting package".
So what can Dragon Ball fans look forward to in this version? Plenty from the looks of it, with over 40 hours of gameplay, 10 game modes that relive the original Dragon Ball saga, and original Japanese voiceover work. Developer Spike has also thrown in more than 90 unique characters for a total of over 150 forms, playable on more than 20 battle stages. Unfortunately, since our preview code was a work in progress, we were limited to a handful of each.
The game's opening cinematic, character models, and environments look great on the aging PlayStation 2 hardware. A lot of work has obviously gone into the game's creative assets, leaving the cel-shaded art style and lighting effects looking fresh and crisp. Outdoor grassy environments are lush and green, while desert areas are sparse and rock laden. Audio hasn’t been skipped in the process, with our copy offering 21 battle-themed tracks with names like "Caution!", "Shootout in Meteor", "High and Scream", and "Heat Capacity".
Our playable character list consisted of: Goku, Piccolo, Nail, Goku (GT), Vegeta (Second Form), Future Gohan, King Vegeta, King Cold, Babidi, Demon King Dabura, Kid Buu, Android 13, Broly, Bojack, Nuova Shenron, and Spopovich. Once you've selected your base character, there's an additional level of customisation, with Goku available in GT, GT Super Saiyan, GT Super Saiyan 3, GT Super Saiyan 4, or Gogeta form following the various series and movies. Not all characters had forms in our code, although they may appear in a later build, or as unlockable characters through the story mode. Character models also offer between one and four colour variations, so you'll be able to tell who's who in two-player battle.
Even with all the story modes, Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and indeed the Dragon Ball Z that spawned it is obviously rooted in fighting, so how does it handle? Fans of the series shouldn't encounter any major surprises picking this one up, and all the frantic mid-air thrashing you've come to love is still here. Fifty-hit combos are par for the course, but there's plenty of other ways to dispatch your enemy, and using the skills list menu, you can plot out and learn your special attack, signature and rushing techniques, and their associated button presses.
This is one for the button mashers, even if you can't string together advanced combos, you'll have fun with Tenkaichi 3 by repeatedly pressing the square button to punch when your target is in range. Pressing X will make your player dash towards your opponent--useful for after you've dealt a devastating knock back blow and want to get another one in. Triangle fires your ranged weapon, dealing a moderate amount of damage, but using up your energy which you'll want to save for combos. Holding and releasing either the melee or ranged attack buttons will charge up a more powerful attack. R1 and the right shoulder trigger are assigned to flying, and will make your character either zoom into the air or descend back to earth.
Auto lock makes a return in this game, and so far seems to be plagued by the same issues found in Tenkaichi 2. Once players leave your field of vision, usually by flying above you, although still locked on, you won't know where they are without either backing off or flying to meet them.
Vertical split-screen multiplayer too is back in Tenkaichi 3, and unfortunately even on a large television set simply doesn't offer enough visual context per player with the locked shoulder camera. With such expansive environments, we understand why they've done it this way, but the problem is only compounded further by the height field of vision issue.
The game still has development time before it ships in November this year, and we're hoping that what has been such a solid series until now can go out with a bang with a few minor tweaks.
неделя, 2 декември 2007 г.

This past summer, one of the biggest movies to hit the box office was The Simpsons. Based on the hit show, the movie was buried in secrecy, leading many out there to wonder whether or not the film would even be a cartoon like the show, or if it in fact would be a live-action take on the series. However, the film did what it did best, staying animated with the series’ voice actors firmly in place. The Simpsons Game will follow in the same vein as the film and the TV show, but given its context in video games, it will tackle its medium as only the franchise can.
Gameplaywise, The Simpsons Game feels a lot like X-Men Legends. You’ll have between one or four characters (family members) in your control throughout, each with their own unique abilities and special powers. Homer, for example, can balloon up into a gigantic ball and crush enemies and objects, while Bart can transform into Bartman and use tools like a grappling hook to get up to high points and his cape to float down (or up in air drafts). Oftentimes, you’ll be required to use a certain character to proceed to a certain point and use team work in order to get your characters to defeat a boss.
One great element in the game will be the video game cliches. Much like the TV series will poke fun at pop culture and spoof films, the video game will point out glaring video game cliches as you do them. This works out to be a pretty interesting mini-game of sorts, as you’ll have to go through and do all the various things that you often wouldn’t get away with in video games, like swimming or running up to an invisible boundary set by the video game’s developer. There are tons of them out there to find, so keep in that video gaming mindset and you’re likely to stumble upon a few.
Graphically, the next-gen versions do a great job of capturing the essence of the show without really straining too hard and making a creepy 3D mess of things. The character models look good and are well animated, and the environments are fantastic and full of little nuances and in-jokes that series fans will undoubtedly enjoy and appreciate.
The Simpsons Game will be out at the end of the month. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, download the demo from Xbox Live or the Playstation Network.
E for All 2007 Preview

First-person shooters don’t garner much attention anymore. The genre does as a whole, but individually the games are losing ground. Most say it’s because there are too many of them, but the real problem lies within the lack of differentiating content.
That’s where Frontlines: Fuel of War has an advantage. At first glance, it doesn’t feel that different from other super-fast shooters (mainly the PC type – the controls and frame rate, though occasionally sticky in this preview build, are generally faster than the average console FPS).
The weapons don’t seem that different either. You’ll use an M12 Alamo Pistol, M177 Demolition Charger (plant it, run, and hit the button), Arc 3 Grenade Launcher, and Arc 3 Assault Rifle. On paper, those don’t sound out of the ordinary. And thus far they’re not – the game is filled with action but it still feels like another game you’ve seen and played before…
…Until you acquire the miniature vehicle weapons. These bad boys are as tiny as RC cars and as varied as helicopters, C4 drones, and tanks. The former two were available in this build.
C4 drones are great. You pick up this odd-looking object, thinking it’s some kind of weird mechanical device. It doesn’t look like a weapon. Then you hit the right trigger (attack button) and the game switches from the standard, first-person view, to a behind-the-drone perspective. Players can now control the drone and drive to any nearby location. Its functionality is only limited by the distance between the drone and your human player – get too far away and the signal won’t reach. The drone controls pretty easily with a two-stick, Halo-type system. Hit a step, bump, or some other small obstacle and the drone will hop around just like an RC car. No enemies were around, so I decided to finish the drone by driving under an abandoned vehicle. Press the right trigger again to switch back to your human character, and press it again to detonate.
The second miniature vehicle was the helicopter, a fully controllable device that can be used to infiltrate areas of the battlefield that are too dangerous to enter on foot. The controls are what you’d expect from a flight/combat game, not from an FPS – full aerial controls and missile capabilities (blast enemies into pieces). No kamikaze attacks were possible in the demo. I couldn’t even ram myself into a wall. But you will die if a missile is shot too close to the helicopter.
These miniatures could be a standout, crowd-drawing feature for Frontlines: Fuel of War. Only the Xbox 360 version was on display at E for All, but you can also get it on PS3 and PC when it’s released next year.
Leap of Faith

Chapter One – The Minmatar Encounter
The star was not where it should have been, if it should have been at all.
Kirryli Rae ran over the charts again, culling the information from the neural networks feeding data streams into her consciousness. When she’d first spotted the star, the camera drone on the starboard side of the ship had panned to reveal it and, at her urging, locked on it. Her mind, working at speeds that made her suitable as a combat pilot, had juxtaposed the star against the system charts and found that it simply should not have been there. She had re-evaluated the image sent from the camera … ‘but there it is,’ she thought. The star seemed to twinkle at her, as if amused that she was so astute as to spot it yet perplexed by its location.
She began a double check of the data, covering with the positioning of moons and asteroid belts – all were where they needed to be. The only thing out of place was …
… gone.
She mentally “stared” at the pinpoint of darkness where the star had been, her mind not comprehending the new data fed into her thoughts, then commanded the starboard camera through a series of zooms and pans, finally re-centering it on the “hole” in her conceptual fabric of space. The star was gone. Her body, suspended in the fluid in a capsule locked in the heart of the ship, gave a slight twitch, and her mind blanked for a millisecond as a wave of puzzlement rippled through her. She wondered if she needed a bit more downtime. She had been working awfully hard. Corporate contacts were a testy and demanding lot, and even the slightest hint of disinterest might translate into losing status with them, which would translate into a loss of income. There was a time when income was not something that concerned her, but that time was past. She needed it to survive; she needed it to remain in space. Space – a word that held a reverence for her, inducing a rare moment of nostalgia.
‘There are some who would proclaim space to be a cold and lonely place. Not for me.
‘I have known cold and I have known lonely. Cold is the space in the heart that has never known love; it is the emptiness invading a soul that longs for more but knows that more may never come. Lonely is the dank cell the masters proclaimed to the young was their home, where what passes for food is slopped into trays and barely keeps the body alive. Lonely are the cries that echo into the dark passages of bonded nightmares and are never comforted by an answer.
‘Space, though, is far from cold. There is a warmth in the riot of colors projected by stars, nebula, and suns, all balanced against a sky painted with a palette of blues and blacks. The tendrils of interspace, enfolding the corridors of warp-drive passage like ribbons of webbing, are the shelter against the storm of destruction that waits to greet the unwary. There is danger, there is exhilaration, but above all, there is life. Some may think it a lonely existence, contained within a capsule, cast adrift aboard a metal machine, but the machine is alive. It thrums a rhythm, a heartbeat – steady, answering. The capsule that holds me is a womb, warm and safe. The voice of the computer is my second voice, never demeaning, never threatening, calm and reassuring, even when the situation is dire.
‘It is quite a contrast from the first years of my life. I have never felt so protected and yet so free. My heart and hope are mine to share, or not.’
Her mind reset itself, refocusing. The vanishing star forgotten, Kirryli’s ship, the Star Spray, pirouetted around the asteroid, a warp-powered ballerina, ungainly in appearance but graceful in flight. Kirryli directed a camera to look at the floating rock. Was it worth mining? Likely not. There were signs that others had picked away at it, small extraction points.
And then, there it was again. The star seemed to jump up in front of her, twinkling, dancing in a spot that should not have held a star in this sector. It had just appeared, even as a drone camera was looking at the spot. She didn’t need to consult the charts this time. A moment of doubt passed, morphing into firm resolve. If the star wanted to be chased, then chase it she would.
She ramped up the engines to high speed and headed straight for it.
Sensors picked up two ships, pirates, skirting the edges of an upcoming asteroid belt. She knew they would not hesitate to attack a lone Minmatar ship. She also knew that they would try to come up from under an asteroid as she passed, looking to deliver the first shots to disable her guns. It was an old tactic – find a blind spot in the cameras and exploit it, maybe panicking the pilot into doing some rash, into making a mistake. Kirryli was young, and not long out of the military academy – a ‘space whelp’ one instructor had called her – but she was no fool. She went into the routine of combat effortlessly, even before the first of the attackers had become visible from beneath the floating space rock. Target lock, orbit to target, autocannons activated. It was standard stuff, not much flying by the proverbial seat of the pants, but what did matter was the way space was used. This sector was heavy with debris and asteroids, so tracking and using the space junk as shields would be effective. The Spray’s CPU did most of the dainty work, allowing Kirryli the opportunity to unleash the weapons array tucked into the ship’s design, some not quite as visible as others.
The guns opened up, a staccato that danced to the rhythm of the engines. The overdrive injector system kicked in, giving the ship a touch more propulsion than the enemy anticipated.
One pirate started to break off, but thought better of it and swung back around to re-enter the fight. It was a minor mistake, but it would cost them the fight. The 150mm turrets chipped away at the one still in the fight. Kirryli unloaded a couple of Sabretooths, the blossoming fire trailing to the target vessel. The shields dropped, then the armament and then the enemy’s vessel began to take structural damage. The attack was broken, as it turned to run, but Kirryli locked in on the vessel, matching directional changes.
A dark humor tickled the edges of her consciousness. This was the moment she enjoyed the most. She idly wondered what was running through the mind of her enemy. Death was calling. Was the pirate pleading for mercy, praying for salvation, hoping for a miracle? None would be coming. The guns fired again, and were answered with a flash as the target came apart.
The other enemy ship had seen enough and was already on the far side of an asteroid, going into warp. She toyed with giving chase, forsaking whatever bounty might be had in the wreckage of the destroyed ship, when out of the corner of the port camera’s lens, she saw a glimmer, a movement and knew deep within that it was the star.
It seemed to hang in space for a moment, then flickered and re-appeared a little more to the port. This time she nudged the Spray into warp, trying to gain ground on the star. She had to see it, to know that it was real and not a figment of a fertile imagination.
The game began anew, and the hours slipped past. The star would flicker out only to appear again in another area. And then it blinked out and did not reappear. She sat in space, waiting but nothing seemed to be happening.
‘Ok, my friend,’ she silently asked. ‘where are you? … Or better still, where am I?’
A dozen possibilities and twice that number in potential avenues of recourse flashed through her mind. Charts were already there, but this sector was unlike anything she knew. It was as though she had flown beyond the known systems and found something inky dark, sparse and seemingly devoid of that which made her home space feel so alive. Maybe the cameras were failing. Perhaps she had pushed the ship too hard in pursuit of the now-missing star. She was about to run a diagnostic when, closer than she would have wanted it to be, a jump gate shimmered into view. It was old, built from a design at odds with all the jump gates she had seen, and it was starting to purr to life.
NCAA March Madness 08

The weather has cooled down and winter is arriving, meaning that we are closing in on the college basketball season. To get ready for it, EA Sports is currently prepping their latest college basketball title, March Madness 08. The latest entry of the series offers a few new features to the game, mainly stuff that was featured in the most recent NBA Live game, as well as builds upon the concepts featured in last years game. The court game has been made a lot more playable, offering smoother framerates and a more deliberate pace to the gameplay, and the result is a lot of fun. College basketball fans get ready, March Madness 08 hits this December.
The big new feature in March Madness 08 is the inclusion of classic teams from college years past. Among the classic teams are ’79 Indiana State team (featuring Larry Bird) and the ’76 Hoosiers to name a couple.
NCAA March Madness 08 Xbox 360 screenshots
The dynasty mode has also been cleaned up a bit from last year’s showing, boasting a new user interface that streamlines the look and makes it a lot easier to navigate.
One element that is returning from last year’s game is the intensity meter, which is basically a gauge of how pumped the crowd is and how that works in your favor. After a basket, you can hold down the left bumper and push the right thumbstick in a direction in order to pump the crowd, your teammates, yourself, or taunt your opponent. This will actually serve to weaken the spirit of your opponents and could turn the tides of the game.
Much like NBA Live 08, the gameplay feels noticeably slower than last year’s March Madness, which is not at all a bad thing. The new deliberate pace allows you to play a more fluid and natural game of basketball without frantic moves and a general lack of strategy.
NCAA March Madness 08 Xbox 360 screenshots
The game features the same kind of post-play mechanics found in NBA Live 08, allowing you to perform complex moves and combinations in the paint in order to get the drop on your defenders. These additions are a great touch to the game’s formula and feel a lot more natural than mindlessly passing the ball around. You can perform post-play actions on defense, as well, effectively blocking shots and stealing the ball.
The game’s look is a marked improvement over last year’s March Madness, with the framerate staying consistently at a smooth 60 frames per second. Additionally, the animations have also been cleaned up and look a lot more fluid and natural. March Madness 08 also features a lot more authentic stadiums than previous years, complete with tons of details like mascots and crowds, both of which react realistically to what’s happening on the court.
March Madness 08 offers a much cleaner on-court game and offers up some good additions to the series’ formula, like the inclusion of classic teams. Look for a full review when the game releases next month.
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Puzzle de Harvest Moon NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/06/2007
Spectrobes Collectors Edition NDS Action 11/06/2007
Championship Manager 2008 PC Sports 11/06/2007
Empire Earth III PC Strategy 11/06/2007
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC Action 11/06/2007
F.E.A.R. Platinum PC Action 11/06/2007
Gears of War PC Action 11/06/2007
Napoleon in Italy PC Strategy 11/06/2007
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC Strategy 11/06/2007
The Office PC Simulation 11/06/2007
Viva Pinata PC Action 11/06/2007
Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII PS3 Simulation 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga PS3 Action 11/06/2007
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike PSP Strategy 11/06/2007
Silent Hill Origins PSP Action 11/06/2007
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None WII Adventure 11/06/2007
Alien Soldier WII Action 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga WII Action 11/06/2007
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII Action 11/06/2007
My Word Coach WII Simulation 11/06/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 360 Action 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Collector's Edition 360 Action 11/05/2007
Bratz 4 Real NDS Adventure 11/05/2007
Build-A-Bear Workshop NDS Simulation 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare NDS Action 11/05/2007
Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves Mermaid NDS Action 11/05/2007
Go Diego Go: Safari Rescue NDS Action 11/05/2007
Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb PC Classics/Puzzles 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Collector's Edition PC Action 11/05/2007
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am PS2 Sports 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3 Action 11/05/2007
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII Strategy 11/05/2007
SunAge PC Strategy 11/30/2007
Negreanu Poker Pro MB Simulation 11/29/2007
Deal or No Deal: Secret Vault Games PC Classics/Puzzles 11/29/2007
Spaceforce: Captains PC Strategy 11/29/2007
PAIN PS3 Action 11/29/2007
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles PS3 Role-Playing 11/29/2007
Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe 360 Classics/Puzzles 11/28/2007
Casual Game-Pack 3-in-1 PC Classics/Puzzles 11/28/2007
Pirates Constructible Strategy Game: Online Pirates at Ocean's Edge PC Strategy 11/28/2007
The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures: Starlight Starbright Charity Challenge PC Adventure 11/28/2007
Warmonger, Operation: Downtown Destruction PC Action 11/28/2007
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords WII Classics/Puzzles 11/28/2007
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific 360 Strategy 11/27/2007
Boogie NDS Action 11/27/2007
Geometry Wars: Galaxies NDS Action 11/27/2007
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder PC Adventure 11/27/2007
Cranium Kabookii WII Strategy 11/27/2007
Game Party WII Classics/Puzzles 11/27/2007
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific WII Strategy 11/27/2007
7th Space MB Role-Playing 11/26/2007
Druid MB Role-Playing 11/26/2007
MAGNUM P.I. MB Action 11/26/2007
Master of Illusion NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/26/2007
PopCap Hits Volume 1 PS2 Action 11/26/2007
DOUBLE DRIBBLE WII Sports 11/26/2007
Ecco Jr. WII Action 11/26/2007
Vegas Stakes WII Simulation 11/26/2007
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific PC Strategy 11/23/2007
Code Lyoko WII Action 11/23/2007
Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess 360 Adventure 11/22/2007
Boulder Dash-Rocks! NDS Action 11/22/2007
Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess PC Adventure 11/22/2007
Undertow 360 Action 11/21/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men MB Action 11/21/2007
John Deere Harvest in the Heartland NDS Simulation 11/21/2007
Larry Bond's Harpoon - Commander's Edition PC Simulation 11/21/2007
Cabela's Monster Bass PS2 Sports 11/21/2007
Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess PS2 Adventure 11/21/2007
Mass Effect 360 Role-Playing 11/20/2007
Mass Effect Collectors Edition 360 Action 11/20/2007
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus 360 Role-Playing 11/20/2007
Rock Band 360 Simulation 11/20/2007
Rock Band Special Edition 360 Simulation 11/20/2007
Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash NDS Action 11/20/2007
Dirty Dancing the Video Game PC Classics/Puzzles 11/20/2007
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus PC Role-Playing 11/20/2007
7 Wonders of the Ancient World PS2 Classics/Puzzles 11/20/2007
Godzilla Unleashed PS2 Action 11/20/2007
Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge PS2 Classics/Puzzles 11/20/2007
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus PS2 Role-Playing 11/20/2007
Swashbucklers: Blue & Grey PS2 Strategy 11/20/2007
Medal of Honor Airborne PS3 Action 11/20/2007
Rock Band PS3 Simulation 11/20/2007
Rock Band Special Edition PS3 Simulation 11/20/2007
Syphon Filter: Combat Ops PSP Action 11/20/2007
AMF Bowling Pinbusters WII Sports 11/20/2007
Geometry Wars: Galaxies WII Action 11/20/2007
Ghost Squad WII Action 11/20/2007
Soulcalibur Legends WII Action 11/20/2007
Trauma Center: New Blood WII Simulation 11/20/2007
Avatar: The Last Airbender-The Burning Earth 360 Action 11/19/2007
College Hoops 2K8 360 Sports 11/19/2007
The Bee Game GBA Action 11/19/2007
Contra 4 MB Action 11/19/2007
Baby Pals NDS Simulation 11/19/2007
Mario Party DS NDS Action 11/19/2007
Sega Rally Revo PC Sports 11/19/2007
Unreal Tournament 3 PC Action 11/19/2007
Unreal Tournament 3: Collector's Edition PC Action 11/19/2007
College Hoops 2K8 PS2 Sports 11/19/2007
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific PS2 Strategy 11/19/2007
STAR TREK: Conquest PS2 Strategy 11/19/2007
College Hoops 2K8 PS3 Sports 11/19/2007
Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back PS3 Action 11/19/2007
Timeshift PS3 Action 11/19/2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3 Action 11/19/2007
Link's Crossbow Training / Wii Zapper WII Action 11/19/2007
STAR TREK: Conquest WII Strategy 11/19/2007
Solomon's Key WII Classics/Puzzles 11/19/2007
Sonic 3D Blast WII Action 11/19/2007
Super Air Zonk WII Action 11/19/2007
Wii Zapper WII Console 11/19/2007
Wrecking Crew WII Action 11/19/2007
Beowulf The Game 360 Adventure 11/16/2007
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action 360 Strategy 11/16/2007
Cars Mater-National GBA Action 11/16/2007
Beowulf The Game MB Action 11/16/2007
WordJong NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/16/2007
Beowulf The Game PC Adventure 11/16/2007
Beowulf The Game PS3 Adventure 11/16/2007
Beowulf The Game PSP Adventure 11/16/2007
America's Army: True Soldiers 360 Action 11/15/2007
PopCap Arcade Volume 1 360 Action 11/15/2007
Mahjong Quest NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/15/2007
Strawberry Shortcake: The Four Seasons Cake NDS Adventure 11/15/2007
Close Combat: Modern Tactics PC Strategy 11/15/2007
Boogie PS2 Action 11/15/2007
Aliens vs. Predator Requiem PSP Action 11/15/2007
Assassin's Creed 360 Action 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet 360 Sports 11/14/2007
SHREK N ROLL 360 Action 11/14/2007
Screwjumper! 360 Action 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet MB Sports 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet NDS Sports 11/14/2007
AVENCAST: Rise of the Mage PC Role-Playing 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet PC Sports 11/14/2007
Shadowgrounds Survivor PC Action 11/14/2007
The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff PC Simulation 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet PS2 Sports 11/14/2007
Assassin's Creed PS3 Action 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet PS3 Sports 11/14/2007
Cabela's Big Game Hunter WII Action 11/14/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet WII Sports 11/14/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 360 Action 11/13/2007
Monster Truck Jam 360 Sports 11/13/2007
Soldier of Fortune: Payback 360 Action 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 360 Sports 11/13/2007
Diamond Detective MB Classics/Puzzles 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 MB Sports 11/13/2007
Contra 4 NDS Action 11/13/2007
Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends NDS Simulation 11/13/2007
Jenga World Tour NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/13/2007
Monster Truck Jam NDS Sports 11/13/2007
Orcs & Elves NDS Role-Playing 11/13/2007
Petz Catz 2 NDS Simulation 11/13/2007
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 NDS Action 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 NDS Sports 11/13/2007
Crysis PC Action 11/13/2007
Crysis: Special Edition PC Action 11/13/2007
EverQuest II Rise of Kunark PC Role-Playing 11/13/2007
EverQuest Secrets of Faydwer PC Role-Playing 11/13/2007
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock PC Simulation 11/13/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men PC Action 11/13/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet Collector's Edition PC Sports 11/13/2007
Next Life PC Adventure 11/13/2007
Petz Catz 2 PC Simulation 11/13/2007
SimCity Societies PC Simulation 11/13/2007
Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back PC Action 11/13/2007
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 PS2 Action 11/13/2007
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns PS2 Action 11/13/2007
King of Fighters XI PS2 Action 11/13/2007
Monster Truck Jam PS2 Sports 11/13/2007
Power Rangers Super Legends PS2 Action 11/13/2007
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords PS2 Classics/Puzzles 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 PS2 Sports 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 PS3 Sports 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2008 Collector's Edition PS3 Sports 11/13/2007
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 PSP Action 11/13/2007
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + PSP Action 11/13/2007
Sonic Rivals 2 PSP Action 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 PSP Sports 11/13/2007
Hannah Montana Spotlight World Tour WII Simulation 11/13/2007
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 WII Action 11/13/2007
Monster Truck Jam WII Sports 11/13/2007
Petz Catz 2007 WII Simulation 11/13/2007
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 WII Action 11/13/2007
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles WII Action 11/13/2007
Smarty Pants: Trivia Fun for Everyone WII Classics/Puzzles 11/13/2007
Tomb Raider Anniversary WII Action 11/13/2007
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 WII Sports 11/13/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 360 Action 11/12/2007
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/12/2007
Dr. Suess: How the Grinch Stole Christmas NDS Adventure 11/12/2007
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Imagination Invaders NDS Action 11/12/2007
Ultimate Mortal Kombat NDS Action 11/12/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 PC Action 11/12/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC Action 11/12/2007
The 80's Game with Martha Quinn PC Classics/Puzzles 11/12/2007
Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command PSP Action 11/12/2007
AXELAY WII Action 11/12/2007
BLUE'S JOURNEY WII Action 11/12/2007
Cars Mater-National WII Action 11/12/2007
Cruis'n WII Action 11/12/2007
Spongebob: Atlantis Squarepantis WII Action 11/12/2007
Super Mario Galaxy WII Action 11/12/2007
Volleyball WII Sports 11/12/2007
Showtime Championship Boxing NDS Sports 11/10/2007
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 360 Action 11/08/2007
ALPHA PRIME PC Action 11/08/2007
Fantasy Wars PC Strategy 11/08/2007
John Tiller's Battleground Civil War PC Strategy 11/08/2007
John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars PC Strategy 11/08/2007
Panzer Killer PC Action 11/08/2007
Sam & Max: Season 2: Episode One: Ice Station Santa PC Adventure 11/08/2007
Swashbucklers: Blue vs. Grey PC Role-Playing 11/08/2007
Switchball 360 Classics/Puzzles 11/07/2007
Word Puzzle 360 Classics/Puzzles 11/07/2007
Guitar Hero & Guitar Hero II Dual Pack PS2 Simulation 11/07/2007
BLADESTORM: The Hundred Years' War PS3 Strategy 11/07/2007
F.E.A.R. Files 360 Action 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 360 Action 11/06/2007
DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS - Joker NDS Role-Playing 11/06/2007
Enchanted NDS Action 11/06/2007
Horse Life NDS Simulation 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga NDS Action 11/06/2007
My Word Coach NDS Simulation 11/06/2007
NEVES NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/06/2007
Ontamarama NDS Action 11/06/2007
Panzer Tactics DS NDS Strategy 11/06/2007
Puzzle de Harvest Moon NDS Classics/Puzzles 11/06/2007
Spectrobes Collectors Edition NDS Action 11/06/2007
Championship Manager 2008 PC Sports 11/06/2007
Empire Earth III PC Strategy 11/06/2007
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC Action 11/06/2007
F.E.A.R. Platinum PC Action 11/06/2007
Gears of War PC Action 11/06/2007
Napoleon in Italy PC Strategy 11/06/2007
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC Strategy 11/06/2007
The Office PC Simulation 11/06/2007
Viva Pinata PC Action 11/06/2007
Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII PS3 Simulation 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga PS3 Action 11/06/2007
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike PSP Strategy 11/06/2007
Silent Hill Origins PSP Action 11/06/2007
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None WII Adventure 11/06/2007
Alien Soldier WII Action 11/06/2007
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga WII Action 11/06/2007
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games WII Action 11/06/2007
My Word Coach WII Simulation 11/06/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 360 Action 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Collector's Edition 360 Action 11/05/2007
Bratz 4 Real NDS Adventure 11/05/2007
Build-A-Bear Workshop NDS Simulation 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare NDS Action 11/05/2007
Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves Mermaid NDS Action 11/05/2007
Go Diego Go: Safari Rescue NDS Action 11/05/2007
Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb PC Classics/Puzzles 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Collector's Edition PC Action 11/05/2007
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Zombie Ninja Pro-Am PS2 Sports 11/05/2007
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3 Action 11/05/2007
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn WII Strategy 11/05/2007
събота, 13 октомври 2007 г.
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